Love: What lies in “I love you”?

I often think of the few times where I assumed I was in love(*Laughs at the idea of it because I am too young to be thinking I was ever in love) and I think of the times where I thought I could be in love. If there was ever a word that conveys aContinue reading “Love: What lies in “I love you”?”

What cares of family, if Mortality of self is that that remains as family?

I recently began watching the Series “The Originals”, at first, for entertainment but then as the series progresses I begin to analyse it in respect of reality. Because of that I began trying to understand the characters not as a story being told to the audience as art but what elements of the story becomeContinue reading “What cares of family, if Mortality of self is that that remains as family?”

What is of our lives?

As I sat thinking in the early hours of the 22nd of October, my heart raced of our definitions, emotions and what our own feelings allow us to feel as important. Shallow is our feelings of mutual understanding, that we are simply fooled by the idea of a nation, or better yet, religion, some, manyContinue reading “What is of our lives?”

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